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Labour Market Information

Labour Market Information (LMI) is information about the current economic and employment situation. It includes data on graduate destinations, average starting salaries, current trends in employment sectors and recruitment patterns.
Labour Market Information 2024/2025
Useful links for researching careers and labour market information
The National Careers Service website contains a wealth of information about career choices, including job profiles that outline training pathways, as well as a job matching tool.
GMACS – a tool to research careers and LMI and pathways– this has GMs top careers sectors and a whole wealth of careers information and careers quizzes for students.
The Careers and Enterprise Company have a whole wealth of LMI and other careers support. This link below can take you to this and also a specific SEBND LMI support booklet.
All the resources, all in one place | CEC Resource Directory
LMI website which also has information about careers and skills for particular careers.
Apprenticeship vacancies are useful as this gives an indication of what is available and many searches can be very localised to your school/college. The websites below provide information and search tools.
“The head of school is highly ambitious and determined for all pupils to be the best that they can be.”