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Subject – Art & Design
We believe that all students are entitled to a creative experience in the visual arts. Our Art and Design curriculum provides a range of opportunities to work with a wide range of media, to develop new skills, experience new technologies and gain new knowledge. In addition, we link all of our learning and practical work to the world we live in, future career pathways and explain how Art and Design plays a vital role in all of our lives. From KS2 through to KS4 our curriculum builds on pupils’ prior knowledge as they;
- Learn about other Artists and Designers from various periods of time and different cultures;
- Explore a wide range of 2D and 3D media from drawing and painting to graphic design, ceramics and textiles, printing and photography;
- Express their own thoughts, feelings and imaginations in creative outcomes;
- Become creative problem solvers;
- Develop their character to learn new skills, to become resilient learners, work independently and have the confidence to speak about and present their ideas and work;
- To develop a sense of pride and create aesthetic outcomes to a high standard
Further information:
“The head of school is highly ambitious and determined for all pupils to be the best that they can be.”