- About Brompton Hall School
- Vision, Ethos & Core Values
- The School Day
- Staff Team
- School Admissions
- School Governors
- Safeguarding
- School Policies
- School Council
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- Careers
- Financial Benchmarking
- Equality & Diversity
- Ofsted & Parent View
- Pupil Premium
- Sports Premium
- Job Vacancies
- About Venn Academy Trust
School – About
We promote the personal, social, emotional well-being, mental health and intellectual development of pupils who have been identified as having social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. We encourage a sense of optimism, confidence, self-worth, achievement, meaning and purpose, supporting and satisfying relationships with others, understanding oneself, and responding effectively to one’s own emotions. Pupils are valued as individuals and are helped to achieve to the full extent of their abilities.
Staff at Brompton Hall are experienced in working with pupils who have SEMH needs and are able to offer a wide range of skills and strategies when managing the pupils. We provide care, structure and consistent management, along with guidance and advice to all pupils encouraging the development of social and emotional skills and attitudes thus minimising mental health problems such as anxiety, depression and stress. We create a safe and nurturing environment and aim to remove barriers to learning.
The promotion and celebration of diversity within our community is key to the emotional well-being of our pupils by challenging prejudice around ability, disability, gender, race, sexual orientation and perceived social status, that encompasses e-safety.
“The head of school is highly ambitious and determined for all pupils to be the best that they can be.”