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- About Venn Academy Trust
At Brompton Hall, we understand that attendance is a key indicator of attitudes to learning and that regular attendance is crucial for students to achieve their full potential. That’s why we work closely with parents/carers to ensure that students attend school regularly and support them through a variety of measures to encourage attendance.
What Can I do to Support My Child’s Attendance?
- If your child is to be absent from school, you must inform us on the first day of absence. You will be asked why your child is absent and when they will return.
- If the reason for your child’s absence is regarded as acceptable (e.g. sickness) then it is an authorised absence.
- If we are not informed or an unreasonable reason is given then this is unauthorised absence. A record is kept of all unauthorised absence.
- It is essential that your child arrives at school in time to attend the first lesson at 9.15am.
- Any arrivals later than 9:30 a.m. will be recorded as late, unless otherwise agreed or informed.
- If your child is absent and no information is received by 9:30 a.m. our Safeguarding and Welfare will contact the family and will carry out a Home Visit.
- Unauthorised absences and persistent lateness will be monitored by the Senior Leadership Team.
- Do not book holidays during term time. These will not be authorised.
How does Brompton Hall School Support Pupils Attendance?
- Close liaison with parents/carers to encourage regular attendance
- Clear policy on absence and expectations of students and parents/carers at admissions stage
- Close monitoring of attendance at morning and afternoon registrations
- Phone call home if a student has not arrived by 9.15 am unless school has been informed of the reason
- Regular home visits to check on welfare and encourage attendance
- Attendance meetings in school biweekly for identified families
- Working closely with the Local Authority to support attendance
- Rewards Scheme: Students with weekly attendance 100% receive a voucher, termly rewards for most improved attendance and over 90% attendance, personalised and individual attendance rewards
- Monitoring unauthorised absences and persistent lateness by the Senior Leadership Team
Further information:
- Please see the Attendance Policy
“The head of school is highly ambitious and determined for all pupils to be the best that they can be.”