- About Brompton Hall School
- Vision, Ethos & Core Values
- The School Day
- Staff Team
- School Admissions
- School Governors
- Safeguarding
- School Policies
- School Council
- Exams
- Careers
- Financial Benchmarking
- Equality & Diversity
- Ofsted & Parent View
- Pupil Premium
- Sports Premium
- Job Vacancies
- About Venn Academy Trust
Equality & Diversity
At Brompton Hall we are commited to providing equality of opportunity for all pupils and staff in an environment that is free from discrimination, prejudice and harassment. We encourage respect and consideration for others and recognise and value the school as a safe place for educational and social activities.
Staff recognise that inequalities exist across all levels of society and we believe that, as educators, we play a crucial role in eliminating racism, sexism, homophobia and all forms of discrimination.
We promote equality by tackling all forms of bullying, racial abuse, sexism and homophobia immediately and by educating pupils in our care with compassion and without prejudice.
The Trustees, Governing Body, Executive Head, Senior Leaders and staff are committed to advancing equality of opportunity and providing fair access and treatment in employment and in delivering education.
Brompton Hall is dedicated to ensuring that all members of the school community and the wider community are treated equally, fairly, and with respect by the school and by each other.
“The head of school is highly ambitious and determined for all pupils to be the best that they can be.”