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Exams at Brompton Hall
At Brompton we believe that success leads to self-belief, self-confidence and self-esteem. Therefore, throughout their time at school pupils have the opportunity to undertake a variety of examinations in English Maths and science. These include;
- Entry level Certificates (1, 2 and 3) in English
- Entry Level Certificates (1, 2 and 3) in Maths
- Entry Level Certificates (1, 2 and 3) in Science.
- Entry level Certificates can be taken from year 7 onwards.
- Functional Skills 1 and 2 qualifications in English
- Functional Skills 1 and 2 qualifications in Maths
- Functional Skills 1 and 2 in Science
- Functional Skills qualifications are taken from year 9 onwards.
GCSE, BTEC and vocational qualifications are taken in year 11.
During the summer term of year 11 students will sit GCSE, BTEC and vocational exams in May and June. Candidate exam timetables will be sent home with Exam Guidance and information. Further information will also be available on the website.
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to ring the school and ask to speak to you child’s tutor, Mr J Dudding, Acting Principal or call the School Office to speak to our Exams Officer.
We know that exams can be a challenging and stressful time for our students. We will ensure that this experience is as stress free as possible, and staff will be available throughout the day.
We understand that students may need extra breaks and a bespoke exam timetable, we are here to help.
We wish all our students every success with whichever exam they are taking.
![Brompton Hall – 2023 – [J] – 0-12](https://bromptonhallschool.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Brompton-Hall-2023-J-0-12-1024x681.jpg)
For further information regarding exams please contact our Exams Officer:
For further information regarding exams please contact our Exams Officer:
- Bromptonhall-admin@vennacademy.org
“The head of school is highly ambitious and determined for all pupils to be the best that they can be.”