- About Brompton Hall School
- Vision, Ethos & Core Values
- The School Day
- Staff Team
- School Admissions
- School Governors
- Safeguarding
- School Policies
- School Council
- Exams
- Careers
- Financial Benchmarking
- Equality & Diversity
- Ofsted & Parent View
- Pupil Premium
- Sports Premium
- Job Vacancies
- About Venn Academy Trust
Parents FAQ
Find out the answers to frequently asked questions by parents, including questions about admissions, studying and the school day.
Red Polo shirts and Royal Blue sweatshirts for primary, years 7,8 and 9.
Blue Polo shirts and Grey sweatshirts for years 10 and 11.
Pupils can wear own black trousers and plain black school shoes / trainers.
You will receive regular updates with information about what’s going on in the school from the headteacher and School Office.
We will soon be introducing a parent portal which will enable you to pay for uniform / school meals and keep your information up to date as well as being able to view your child’s attendance and progress.
The teachers will be teaching during the day, but you can contact the school office on 01723 859121 or email bromptonhall-admin@vennacademy.org who can pass message onto the teacher or answer your query if possible. Teachers will call home regularly with updates about your child’s progress and learning.
School starts with tutor time at 8:40am, morning lessons continue until 12:50 then it is time for lunch, back to lessons at 1:35pm and the school day ends at 3:15pm, then it is the extended day programme until 5:00pm (We are hoping to re-instate this back to 7:00pm in the near future)
On Fridays the school day finishes at 1:30pm
“The head of school is highly ambitious and determined for all pupils to be the best that they can be.”