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Subject – History
History at Brompton Hall is planned with the intention of sparking an interest in aspects of our collective history. This starts in the classroom as pupils discover facts such as significant dates, events and names and consider these in the context of modern British values. In primary the history curriculum is divided into British and world history with pupils studying such topics as the Romans in Britain, The Anglo-Saxons and Vikings, through to local history topics such as learning about Sir George Cayley who once lived right here in Brompton Hall
Curriculum planning includes learning about ancient societies such as the Ancient Greeks and the Mayans, world history such as the Cold War and Qing dynasty of China and British history such as the Tudors, the English Civil War and significant Britons of the 19th century. Pupils can choose to extend their historical skills by choosing to study history to GCSE.
We use a range of visits, such as trips to Scarborough Castle, the National Railway Museum, Beamish Museum, the Houses of Parliament and World War One battlefields in France and Belgium to ensure that history is exciting and engaging. Our aim is that pupils engage in and enjoy history at school and embark on their own historical enquiries beyond the school gates.
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“The head of school is highly ambitious and determined for all pupils to be the best that they can be.”